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  • Welcome New Hires with Best Practices for Employee Onboarding

Welcome New Hires with Best Practices for Employee Onboarding

October 30th, 2021 - 7:58 pm|Onboarding, Remote Onboarding|

There’s an art to welcoming new employees to your company. The onboarding process is the beginning of a mutually rewarding professional relationship. Organizations that place a premium on employee onboarding can foster a positive work culture, ensuring higher engagement, productivity, and retention. More than 90 percent of new hires strongly consider quitting their jobs within one month when a

  • 4 Real-Life Examples to Apply Experience-Driven Development in the Workplace

4 Real-Life Examples to Apply Experience-Driven Development in the Workplace

October 29th, 2021 - 7:55 pm|Development in the Workplace, Employee Development|

Learning from experience is the number one way that employees develop, according to various studies. Yet, companies focus considerable time and money on the further growth and development source: education/online training. For example, U.S. companies spend an estimated $13.6 billion annually on leader development (O'Leonard & Loew, 2012). "The vast majority of this investment goes toward education and training. In

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