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  • 6 Reasons to Invest in Employee Development

6 Reasons to Invest in Employee Development

October 22nd, 2021 - 8:18 am|Development in the Workplace, Employee Development|

Linear thinking in business focuses on investing in the things that offer direct payoffs and have a positive impact on the bottom line. However, such traditional thinking has grave limitations. A company needs to consider lateral forms of investment in their people. After all, processes are pointless without people well-equipped to see them through. It’s all right for a

  • How to Make Effective Career Development Conversations with Employees

How to Make Effective Career Development Conversations with Employees

October 15th, 2021 - 12:14 pm|Development in the Workplace, Employee Development|

A company's wellbeing depends mostly on hiring and retaining top talent. It's not just about performance reviews and promotions anymore; it is about keeping the conversation going. Employees need more frequent conversations that are focused on them and oriented to their future. A Gallup study points out that "Employees used to expect to work for a boss. Now, they're

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